PBC Students in Puebla Mexico
Our STORM teams are pivotal opportunities for PBC students to engage in real-life ministry on the mission field while helping to support family churches around the globe. Partnered with Mannahouse Church, our PBC students get experience putting what they are learning in the classroom to practical use as they preach, serve, support, and see first-hand what God is doing in beyond the borders of the USA.
One STORM team went to Puebla, Mexico, to minister at Fuente Para El Mundo, a church network started by PBC alumnus Phil Jaquith and his wife Judy and now pastored by Eric and Idalid Jaquith. The team preached and prayed for people at a young adults’ meeting, served in community outreach in the surrounding areas, and visited an orphanage. And of course, no mission trip is complete without a few work projects: the team spent hours repairing and painting parts of the main Fuente Campus.
My experience in Puebla was so amazing. Everything from helping to paint the church to going to give out food in the villages was just so amazing! It was so fun and good seeing people’s faces light up as we passed the food baskets around. I can’t wait to eventually go back there!
Caleb Prosser
Take a look at some photos from the trip below!
PBC Students in McKinney Texas
The other STORM team went to the heart of Texas to support PBC alumni Trevin and Stephanie Anderson, who have been sent by Mannahouse to plant Heart Church in the city of McKinney. The team flew down to assist in the final week of preparation and support Launch Sunday. PBC students handed out thousands of flyers around the city, shared God’s love with people they encountered, and helped with the logistics of set-up and clean-up for Heart Church’s first Sunday service. We are proud of Trevin and Stephanie and excited to see what God does through them and through Heart Church in the future!
From the very beginning of the trip to the last moment, there was this saturating warmth that can’t be found elsewhere. Nothing brings greater joy than seeing a church that leans on God’s Word, that draws the lost to the Father’s lap, that loves the Lord and people. It’s was a great joy for us to serve the people who love the Lord and whom the Lord loves.
Darrel Surjanto