Announcing Our First Annual Alumni BBQ

If you attended PBC at some point in the past, this is your chance to re-connect with classmates, friends, and teachers! President Simon and his wife Sarah are hosting a BBQ dinner at their home in Vancouver, Washington. We would love to have you join!

In order to make sure there is enough room and to help ensure you see as many people you know as possible, we’re doing a two-part event based on when you were at PBC. If you attended PBC before or during the year 2000, we’re hosting an event for you on September 28. If you attended PBC after 2000, you’re invited on October 26. If your time at PBC included both, pick the date you prefer. 🙂 (Or if your schedule doesn’t allow for one event, you’re welcome at the other instead.)

We’ll send out an email soon with more details and an RSVP form so we can plan how much food to prepare, but we wanted to let you know now so you can save the date. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at We’re excited to see you!