Online Degrees
Certificate of Theology
The Certificate in Theology, available online, is suited for students who desire more Bible training to serve in the local church. This program is for students who have either already completed a degree in another field of study and are looking to add Biblical studies to their perspective or students who want to lay a Biblical foundation in their lives.
Through this Certificate, students can easily go on to complete an Associate of Theology degree or Associate in Church Leadership degree at Portland Bible College. Biblical knowledge and Christian Doctrine form the basis of this certificate. Students, then choose their electives from a series of different emphases based on their personal calling or ministry work.
For those intent on completing their Certificate of Theology, the Certificate Petition form must be completed by January 15th of the Spring in which you wish to receive your certificate. A $25 fee will be added to your account. Certificates will be mailed to recipients in the Summer.
A minimum of 32 credits are necessary to receive this certificate.
Associate of Theology
Students can complete the Associate of Theology completely online. The Associate of Theology degree is suited for the student who desires more Bible training for the purpose of serving in the local church. The program offers a wide range of courses relevant to lay-pastoral and educational ministries in the local church. Bible knowledge, Christian doctrine and practical training form the basis of the core curriculum.
A minimum of 64 credits are necessary to fulfill the degree requirements.
Associate of Church Leadership
Applicants for this program must be over the age of 25 and currently have significant ministerial involvement. A background in formal ministerial training is helpful. Acceptance into the Church Leadership Program is by special application only. Those desiring acceptance into this program need to submit a letter of request; a resume of educational and ministerial experience and a statement from the applicant’s pastor regarding past and future leadership involvement. This is a highly flexible program that allows students to develop several emphases in church leadership, Biblical studies, world missions and youth ministry. A total of 64 credits are necessary to fulfill this degree’s requirements.
Bachelor of Theology
The four year program that leads to a Bachelor of Theology degree is suited for the student who desires more Bible training for the purpose of serving in the local church. The program offers a wide range of courses relevant to Bible knowledge, Christian doctrine, pastoral ministry and practical training. A total of 128 credits are necessary to fulfill this degree’s requirements.
Courses Available Online
Students can complete an entire Bachelor’s Degree ONLINE with Portland Bible College. Courses are offered online once a year, either in the Fall Semester or in the Spring Semester. Each semester is 15 weeks long. A handful of these courses are offered during an intensive 7 week summer term. Online courses include all recordings of the live classroom lecture.
Fall Semester
Old Testament Survey (2 credits)
Life of Christ (3 credits)
Pentateuch (3 credits)
Romans (2 credits)
Prison Epistles (2 credits)
Wisdom Literature (3 credits)
Minor Prophets (2 credits)
Major Prophets (3 credits)
Worldviews (2 Credits)
Homiletics (2 credits)
Leading People (2 credits)
Intro to Counseling (2 credits)
Advanced Counseling (2 credits)
Intro to Bible Study (1 credit)
Practicum (1credit)
Personal Discipline (2 credits)
Personal Evangelism (2 credits)
Passions & Values I (1 credit)
Bible Research (2 credits)
Ministry Apprenticeship (2 credits)
Hermeneutics (3 credits)
Human Development (3 credits)
Basic Doctrine (5 credits)
Worship in the Bible (2 credits)
Local Church (2 credits)
Advanced Theology (2 credits)
Spring Semester – 2025 Registration is Now Open!
Online 2025 Offered Courses:
1/27/25 Enrollment Deadline * 1/28/25 Orientation Begins * 2/18/25 Add/Drop Deadline
New Testament Survey (2 credits)
Old Testament History (5 credits)
Acts (2 credits)
Kings and Prophets (2 credits)
Intro to Bible Study (1 credit)
Pauline Epistles (3 credits)
Hebrews (2 credits)
Writings of John (3 credits)
Apocalyptic Literature (3 credits)
Church History (3 credits)
Understanding Missions (1 credit)
Worship Ministry (1 credit)
Intro to Preaching (1 credit)
Prophetic Ministry (2 credits)
Pastoral Ministry (2 credits)
Vision Leadership (2 credits)
Decision Making (2 credits)
Building Leaders & Teams (2 credits)
Church Planting (1 credit)
Counseling Techniques (3 credits)
Practicum (1 credit)
Personal Finance (1 credit)
Passions and Values I (1 credit)
Ministry Apprenticeship (2 credits)
Social Responsibility (3 credits)
Marriage and Family (3 credits)
Holy Spirit (2 credits)
Doctrine of the Church (2 credits)
Covenants (3 credits)
Summer Term – 2025 – New Course Line-up for 2025
- Old Testament Survey (2 credits)
- New Testament Survey (2 credits)
- Pentateuch (3 credits)
- Romans (2 credits)
- Decision Making (2 credits)
- Personal Discipline (2 credits)
- Passions & Values (1 credit)
- Bible Research (2 credits)
- Doctrine of the Church (2 credits)
- Local Church (2 credits)
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