Getting Started
There are a number of different ways to help PBC through legacy giving. Every person’s situation is unique, so we always recommend talking to a financial or legal professional about legacy giving and other long-term financial plans. While we can’t offer you financial or legal advice – that’s their job! – we would encourage you to think through a couple of questions:
- What kind of gift will be helpful for you and those you love? A legacy gift through your will can substantially lower the tax burden on your heirs. Other types of legacy giving could provide you with income during your lifetime. Your personal situation and goals will determine what kind of legacy gift is most practical for you.
- What do you hope your gift will do for Portland Bible College? Most donors to PBC want our mission and community to continue to flourish. They don’t know what needs will be most pressing in the future but they want to ensure their gift is used where it will be most needed. If this is how you feel, then leaving a gift that the PBC Lead Team and Board can use as they deem most appropriate offers the greatest flexibility. These gifts allow the PBC leadership to prayerfully determine God’s leading in how the gift will be administered to fulfill the core mission of the school while being aware of changing circumstances. Alternatively, you might want your gift to be used for a specific program or to meet a certain need. If you have something like this in mind, get in touch with us! We’d love to partner with you in utilizing your gift in a way that matches your vision and faith for the future, and we want to be sure your intentions are stated in a way that allows us to carry them out.
Making a gift to PBC in your will is usually as simple as including a couple of sentences that explain your intent. Here are two examples:
- I give the sum of $_________ to Portland Bible College (9150 NE Fremont St, Portland, OR 97007; EIN 93-6034705) for its general purposes.
- I give ______% of the residue of my estate to Portland Bible College (9150 NE Fremont St, Portland, OR 97007; EIN 93-6034705) for its general purposes.
For additional information and sample language for your will, download this printable tip sheet:
Gifts from a life insurance policy or retirement savings account are usually very simple. They generally don’t require any special documentation: simply name Portland Bible College as a beneficiary of the policy or account. This can usually be done by contacting the policy administrator, or even making the update yourself.
Gifts that pay income and other specialized types of legacy gift usually require professional assistance to set up and manage, so we highly recommend you speak with your financial planner. If you are unsure of whether or not we can accept a particular type of gift, or you just want more information about legacy giving, feel free to contact our office by email or by phone at 503-255-3540.
Learn more about types of legacy gifts
If you’ve already included PBC in your will or estate plans, thank you! We are so grateful you have chosen to partner with us to train future generations of leaders and we are honored by your trust. We would love to hear from you about your plans. Sharing your intentions with us does not in any way obligate you – you are free to change your plans at any time!
But it does help us greatly if we know of your intention, as it helps us do a better job of planning and preparing for the future. We take seriously our responsibility as stewards of what God has entrusted to us, and knowing the resources we have available helps us carry out this work more effectively. Also, we’d love to thank you personally for your gift and keep you up to date on what is happening here in the PBC community. We’ll always respect your privacy and honor your wishes, and you never need to share more than you’re comfortable with.
If you have included PBC in your estate planning already, or if you are thinking about it and would like more information, our Advancement team would love to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 503-255-3540 or email us here. Thank you for your desire to be part of extending God’s Kingdom!