About the Scholarship
Life-long missionaries Leo & Phyllis Kaylor established an important and historic ministry in Japan. They have recently retired and now live in the beautiful state of Washington. Many of their children and grandchildren are PBC alumni. You can learn about Leo & Phyllis’ amazing exploits in their memoir “Unto a Land That I Will Show You”.
This scholarship is provided for Missionaries and their children in active service.
The fund has been generously instituted by Mannahouse Global Family in honor of their living and continued legacy.
Accepted applicants will receive up to $1,000 for their first year of full-time on-campus enrollment. Disbursement details will be provided at time of acceptance.
All missionaries and or their eligible children are invited to apply.
Mannahouse Global Family church members are given priority, but all are welcome to apply.
A short essay is required as part of the application process.
Application must be submitted directly with Mannahouse Global Family using this link.