Online Resources

Here are a few recommended sources related to the new sermon series, Questions. This is a short article introducing a person to the four main classical arguments used to support the existence of God. They represent logic arguments used to support the existence of God taken from history, science, personal experience, and philosophy. […]

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If True Morality Exists, God Must Exist

C. S. Lewis opens his famed book, Mere Christianity, by presenting a convincing case for the existence of God. I am going to summarize his argument here; but I recommend you purchase the book and read it for yourself—it’s an easy-to-read classic. Lewis begins with a description of people arguing over some misdeed that has […]

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‘Questions’ Book Recommendations

Here are a few books that you may find helpful if you are interested in delving further into the questions in our sermon series. These books address the issue of God’s existence; and many of them also address the other questions in our series. We will be adding to the list over the coming weeks. […]

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Questions -CBC Series

The world is filled with people in search for truth. Society seems to have more questions than Christians can answer. This series will have a two-fold focus. First, QUESTIONS will help to answer the questions that society is asking and give believers a chance to bring their unchurched friends to hear the Truth. Secondly, QUESTIONS […]

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Summer Information

 Summer Storage:  Classroom #5 will serve as our summer storage room. There is a $40 summer storage fee.  It will be available by Friday, May 13th for those who need to begin moving. Please make sure your belongings are well marked with your name, neatly sealed and compact. ABSOLUTELY NO PERISHABLE FOOD!! REFRIGERATORS must be […]

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New Affiliates

PBC has always been involved in helping churches and pastors educate and disciple their students. We are thrilled about our new programs to do that better than ever. In 2012-13, we worked directly with 5 different Intern Programs representing 182 students. The number of Affiliates approved for next year is already doubled in size. For […]

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Scholarship Fund

Alumni and Friends of the PBC hosted a luncheon to raise funds for the Destiny Scholarship Fund. Together, they raised over $55,000! This fund provided several students with micro loans and scholarships and was critical to their ability to continue their studies at PBC. You can also contribute to this scholarship fund, by clicking here.

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Chapel Renovation

For alumni and current students alike, the Chapel building holds a special place in the hearts and minds of many. Weekly Friday Chapel services are times of encountering God’s presence and transformation, with extended worship and prayer, preaching, and prophetic ministry. PBC Chapel received a much needed upgrade as it has rested on the PBC […]

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International Chapel 2013

Every year, PBC celebrates the impact of the Church around the world by praising God for what He’s doing in the countries represented by international students. This year 16 countries were represented, including: Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Russia and South Korea. Student and missionary to Uganda, […]

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