Announcing Our First Annual Alumni BBQ

If you attended PBC at some point in the past, this is your chance to re-connect with classmates, friends, and teachers! President Simon and his wife Sarah are hosting a BBQ dinner at their home in Vancouver, Washington. We would love to have you join! In order to make sure there is enough room and […]

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2024: Where Are They Going?

It’s a wrap on the Class of 2024! What an incredible bunch of gifted, passionate people who love God and are poised to make a difference wherever they go. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments. Read about where their journeys are taking some of them next: Raphael Anggelo – He is working at a […]

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2024 Storm Cambodia

This past summer several of our amazing students got the opportunity to minister in the beautiful country of Cambodia as part of a STORM team led by Jason Prosser. Here are a few memories of the trip, as told by two of the team members themselves: David Dahlin What was a cultural shock to you […]

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Alumni Highlight: Laura Truitt | BTh 1989

Laura’s Story Laura grew up in Sitka, Alaska. She had never heard of Portland Bible College or even systematic theology, and Bible college wasn’t in her plans. Then one day at a friend’s house, she happened to pick up a copy of Kevin Conner’s book, Foundations of Christian Doctrine. In her words, “It blew my […]

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Alumni Highlight: Matthew Martin | BTh 2019

Meet Matthew Martin, a Portland Bible College alum whose journey has been marked by a commitment to education, faith, and serving. Matthew started school elsewhere but transferred to Portland Bible College to play basketball, attend college with his sister, and explore his faith. While at PBC, Matthew deepened his spiritual understanding and developed his leadership […]

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Alumni Highlight: Jalaya Taylor – B.Th 2022

The Journey: Jalaya came to PBC in August of 2018 after graduating high school. Born and raised in Canada, she was the second oldest of five children. She loves her three sisters and brother dearly. Family is important to Jalaya, and she is grateful that two of her sisters are still there in school as […]

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A Letter from Our President

Dr. Simon MouldPresident | ED, D. We are in the midst of some great advances here at PBC! Our on-campus student population is the highest we have had in many years, our student retention is great, and the spiritual atmosphere on campus is rich with cleansing, healing, and restoration. We are so proud of our […]

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VA Benefits: From a Veteran and PBC Alumni

Ben’s Story. After Ben got out of the military, life quickly went downhill for him. He felt directionless, stagnant, and lost like he didn’t really know what in life he was supposed to hold onto anymore. Ben found himself being dragged along to church with his brother and found that he connected almost instantly with […]

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Alumni Highlight: Federico Serrano: Bth 2018

Federico is no stranger to PBC. In fact, if you follow us on social media or wear PBC merch, you’ve seen his influence. As the owner of Juicebox Creative, he collaborates regularly with us to produce videos and designs that help tell our story. Originally from Virginia, Fed arrived at PBC in the Fall of […]

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Alumni Highlight: Sara Paulson Brummett – Bth 1994

About Sara Paulson Brummett Sara’s journey at PBC began in 1989, right after graduating from Temple Christian School (now Mannahouse Christian Academy). Sara grew up in a Lutheran church, which had ended up becoming Spirit-filled. Her family moved to Portland from Wisconsin, so her dad could attend PBC and they could be a part of what […]

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