Dorm Leader Nomination

Student Survey – Dorm Leader Nomination

This survey is to get a general feel for who you see as potential leaders for the Dorms. Please seriously consider the names and comments you write in the spaces below. We sincerely desire your feedback as a tool in helping form the next leadership team and value your input. All information is important as we prayerfully consider your future leaders.

  • This survey is anonymous, however it is helpful for us to know which dorm you live in to help categorize your responses.
  • Areas to consider – Is this student…

    Respected as a good example with good integrity // Available… involved in student life and supportive to staff. // Positive attitude toward school philosophy and methodology. // Spiritually motivated to lead. // Could you see yourself receiving correction from them?
  • Potential Head Dorm Leaders

    You have the option of nominating up to 5 students for Head Dorm Leader. You may nominate students from both guy dorms or both girl dorms. Guys, please only nominate guys. Girls, please only nominate girls.
  • Potential Assistant Dorm Leaders

    You have the option of nominating up to 6 students for Assistant Dorm Leader. You may nominate students from both guy dorms or both girl dorms. Guys, please only nominate guys. Girls, please only nominate girls.