Theology Degrees
Associate of Church Leadership
The Christian Leadership Program is a highly flexible 2 year associate degree program intended for someone who has already had significant ministerial involvement. The program can include emphases in church leadership, biblical studies, church music, world missions and youth ministry.
Acceptance into the Church Leadership Program is by special application only. Applicants must be over the age of 25. Those desiring acceptance into this program need to submit a letter of request; a resume of educational and ministerial experience and a statement from the applicant’s pastor regarding past and future leadership involvement.
A minimum of 64 credits are necessary to fulfill this degree’s requirements.
Associate of Theology
The two year Associate of Theology degree is best suited for the student who desires more Bible training for the purpose of serving in the local church.
The program offers a wide range of courses relevant to lay-pastoral and educational ministries in the local church. Bible knowledge, Christian doctrine and practical training form the basis of the core curriculum.
A minimum of 64 credits are necessary to fulfill this degree’s requirements.
Associate of Christian Humanities
The Christian Humanities Program is designed as a University Transfer Program. It is geared toward students who plan to continue their education and transfer to another college or university.
Humanities courses relate to the general study of culture and human thought. The mission of the Humanities Department is to assist the student in understanding the broad history of human thought from a biblical perspective, with a focus to establish a Christian worldview.
A minimum of 64 credits are necessary to fulfill this degree’s requirements.
Bachelor of Theology
The four year Church Ministry Program that leads to a Bachelor of Theology degree is designed with full-time church ministry in mind.
This program is PBC’s premier leadership track, and is suitable for lay ministry preparation as well as students who plan to continue on to seminary in related graduate-level programs. It is also geared to the student who plans on entering full-time pastoral ministry, church plant ministry, or other church staff positions.
The focus of the curriculum is biblical studies, theology, pastoral ministry and counseling.
Read more about program requirements for the following degree emphasis:
Biblical Studies Emphasis
Some students have a particular passion to study and handle God’s Word. Those who feel called to equip believers through teaching the Word will be interested in this track. There will be plenty of room available for systematic Biblical studies and the development of expository skills.
General Studies Emphasis
Students who have an interest in more than one emphasis will find the flexibility of this track suitable to fit their needs. The requirements are relevant to a broad range of life & ministry directions. The student can then draw from a wide range of electives in order to build the necessary foundation for their calling.
Intercultural Studies Emphasis
This track is designed for students who are pursuing training for missions or local cross-cultural ministry. One of its strengths is the opportunity for involvement in various ethnic ministries. A missionary apprenticeship may be available for upperclassmen in this emphasis.
Pastoral Counseling Emphasis
Students who are passionate about pastoral leadership in the local church will benefit from this track. The track focuses on developing necessary skills such as preaching, counseling and team building. Pastoral leadership apprenticeships will be available to all third and fourth year students.
Worship Ministry Emphasis
The Worship Ministry Emphasis is ideal for those who feel called to serve in local church worship but do not see this as their exclusive area of ministry in the future. The components of this emphasis fit with the Theology degree requirements.
Youth Ministry Emphasis
Building on the components of the Pastoral Leadership track, the Youth Ministry Emphasis is designed specifically for those training to be youth pastors.
A few of the track-specific courses are Introduction to Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Administration, and Youth Ministry Perspectives. In addition to these courses, some of the core curriculum courses will have additional lab class sessions with the youth ministry faculty. These sessions are designed to help the student apply the course information specifically to the area of youth ministry.
Apprenticeship in Youth Ministry will also be available.
Christian Humanities Emphasis
The Christian Humanities Program is geared to two types of students: those who plan to continue their education at a post-graduate level at another college or university, and those who will pursue their life’s work apart from continuing education. Humanities courses relate to the general study of culture and human thought. The mission of the Humanities Program is to assist the student in understanding the broad history of human thought from a biblical perspective, with a focus to establish a Christian worldview.
Pastoral Leadership Emphasis
This track is for students who are passionate about pastoral leadership in the local church. The full range of pastoral skills—from preaching to counseling to team building—will be developed. Practical leadership is also a major focus of this track.
Marketplace Ministry Emphasis
The PBC School of Kingdom Business and Entrepreneurship uses a practical, biblically integrated business and entrepreneurship curriculum, to develop the next generation of Christian innovators, creatives, entrepreneurs, and leaders globally. The courses are unique in that they combine biblical principles with best business practices, and include relevant marketplace case studies and exposure to accomplished marketplace leaders.
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