Join the Portland Bible College team with these amazing new opportunities!Check out these positions on our campus in Portland, Oregon. These Part-Time role can be combined with another Part-Time role at PBC to offer Full-Time hours and benefits for applicants that qualify for both positions. Please apply to both roles and indicate your interest in […]

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Sanctity of Life

Roe v Wade Overturns Response We want to take a moment to respond to the recent Supreme Court ruling regarding the sanctity of life. Because of this decision’s significance in society and impending challenges and discussions, PBC and Mannahouse Eldership teams developed two primary documents. Our prayer is they help shape your biblical position on […]

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Alumni Highlight: Daniel & Katy Eliason

Both Katy and Daniel graduated from PBC in 2012. Daniel with a Bachelor in Theology and Katy with a Bachelor in Music. Daniel & Katy married that August after their graduation. Daniel was hired on at Mannahouse as a Youth Coordinator and worked as an on-campus Public Safety Officer while Katy worked for a political non-profit. […]

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2022 Seniors: Where are they going?

The class of 2022 will be greatly missed! We are so proud of their accomplishments and are excited about everything God has in store for them. Want to see where they will continue their journey? Check it out! Caleb Keel“Caleb will remain in the Portland area to continue his work on staff, joining the team […]

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Alumni Highlight: Elisa Haake

After graduating from Portland Bible College in 2007, Elisa was privileged to be a part of a church plant in New Zealand, and for six months she focused solely on being available for that plant. She moved to Texas after her stay in New Zealand and got a position on staff at Gateway Church where […]

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PBC Formalizing Long-term Relationship with Western Seminary

We are excited to formalize our long-standing relationship with Western Seminary, located in SE Portland, Oregon. Many PBC graduates have gone onto Western Seminary for post-baccalaureate programs, including Professor Lanny Hubbard and Professor Travis Arnold. Degree Programs our Students can consider:  “Portland Bible College’s curricula are intellectually substantive, embodying the academic rigor necessary to prepare […]

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“Yoked” – New Book

In the Great Commission as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel Jesus left his followers with clear instructions: They were to make disciples by teaching people to obey all he had commanded them. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never really thought about Jesus as giving commandments. We all know about the Ten Commandments in the book of Exodus but Jesus came “full of grace.” Surely fullness of grace did not involve commandments, let alone the need to obey those commandments. But there it was, recorded plainly in these famous words of Jesus. If making (and being) disciples requires us to teach people how to obey the commandments of Jesus, maybe we should focus more attention on what those commandments are, and how to obey them.

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Time and Timeliness

PBC alumnus Sam Albrecht, BTh ’11, is a PBC alumni from the 2011 class. He and his wife Elaina have 2 wonderful girls. For 11 years he served as the youth pastor at his home church, Living Way Fellowship in Sandy Oregon. In December of 2021, he was installed as the Lead Pastor. The wisdom and experience gained during his time at PBC guide him to this day. PBC instilled a deep hunger for true knowledge and wisdom that drives his approach to ministry. 

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A Pattern of Peace

In his sermon entitled, “A Pattern of Peace”, Phillip exhorts about striving for peace and how we can focus on forgiveness, reconciliation, and trusting the Lord. This message explores the many aspects of how we can become peace-keepers by “biting our tongues, searching our hearts, and going the distance”.

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PBC Awarded Technology Grant

We have embarked on a journey to update our on-campus technology! Thanks to the generosity of our alumni and friends, we were able to secure a $104,500 matching grant from the Murdock Foundation. Our goal is to raise $300,000 to make an impact on our growing technological needs. Here’s a breakdown on how we plan on […]

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